Market Survey

In last 10 to 15 years the geography of working areas have expanded exceptionally specially for Poultry industry. Poultry is one of the fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector in India today. In the context of this emerging scenario, questions are being raised about the impact of the scaling up of production-through structural factors, externalities and policies-on small-scale producers. So, to cope with the modern market every company, whether it is integrator or feed / chicks selling companies or manufacturing or marketing companies dealing with medicine and equipments or any allied products need to do proper survey of existing markets or up-country markets.

A.G. Biswas Associates provides all the details about data and survey focusing on survey location, sample size, timing of the survey and problems encountered. We have tremendous abilities to do these survey related jobs throughout India and neighbouring countries as we have vast knowledge, expertise & experience in this sector along with connections in all areas.

    Our survey process in this segment include:

  • New areas' market viability for integrators
  • Selling or marketing prospects for chicks / feeds companies
  • Medicine / feed supplements and big / medium / small equipments
  • Present and future prospects in any particular zone / states
  • Any other related surveys which help companies to multiple revenues